Production of massive slag pots with increased operating parameters (SLAG LADLE TECH).

The aim of the project is to develop an innovative technology and its implementation for the production of large-size slag pots weighing up to 30 Mg.
Slag Pots will be characterized by a number of technological advantages, the implementation of which in the activities of Krakodlew will translate into its position on the domestic market and expansion into new foreign markets.

Industrial research and development work

The goals of the project will be achieved thanks to industrial research and development works on an innovative technology for the production of heavy slag ladles from high-quality ductile iron and cast steel. As a result, materials and production technology will be developed, and an experimental series of a ladle weighing 30 tons will be finally produced from a new type of cast steel and a newly developed ductile iron.

News of the project results

The development of an advanced technology of alloy refinement, i.e. cast steel and ductile iron, will allow the production of slag tanks weighing up to 30 tons with increased operating parameters

Increasing the resistance to tensile and elongation of cast iron, - development of proper microstructure and mechanical properties

Increasing the resistance to thermal shocks (thermal fatigue) during their operation at changing temperatures

Optimizing the proportion of perlite and ferrite in the metal matrix in the required wall thickness range of massive slag ladles thanks to the modified mold technology and optimized chemical composition of ductile iron

Reduction of the casting porosity - improvement of swelling and oxidation resistance

Minimization of the residual stresses occurring in the ladle castings to the greatest extent

Macro-scale research

Achieving the assumed project results will be a breakthrough for Applicant, as well as the Polish foundry, so recognized and valued abroad. The most important thing will be in this in the case of the possibility of conducting tests on a "macro" scale, ie on full-size prototypes that could be developed and produced. Only a "macro" study will allow for the accurate acquisition and evaluation of scientific and technical information in terms of the product under development and production technology. Such research would not be possible without the expenditures described in the project be carried out neither at the Applicant's nor at external institutions.

Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Programu Inteligentny Rozwój.

Projekt realizowany w ramach konkursu Narodowego Centrum Badań i Rozwoju: Szybka Ścieżka.